News and Insights / Career Resources

Career Opportunities in the Renewable Energy Sector

Did you miss last week's Sound Off with System One? We explored exciting Career Opportunities in the rapidly expanding Renewable Energy Sector.

Renewable energy is one of the fastest-growing industries in America, offering some of the fastest-growing job opportunities. In 2023, the industry achieved a record year for new clean power installations. The demand for highly trained and skilled Wind and Solar Technicians remains a top priority.


Emerging Trends in Renewable Energy:

As onshore wind projects reach saturation, there is a growing focus on offshore wind energy development. The offshore wind market is gaining momentum, particularly in coastal and local markets. We are also seeing an increase in hybrid projects that combine renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and energy storage, all of which are creating a demand for skilled workers.


Skills and Background for Those Wanting to Enter Renewable Energy

Having the right background and critical skills can significantly enhance success in the renewable energy sector. For example, individuals aiming to become Wind and Blade Repair Technicians must be mechanically inclined, comfortable with heights, and prepared for a road warrior lifestyle.

Some essential skills for success in this field include:

  • Adaptability: The renewable energy landscape evolves rapidly; being adaptable is crucial.
  • Critical Problem Recognition and Solving: Identifying issues and finding effective solutions is vital.
  • Teamwork: Working well alongside coworkers and peers is a significant skill needed in this industry.
  • Mechanical Skills & Safety Compliance: These are crucial for anyone transitioning into wind energy roles.

Career Advancement within Renewable Energy

There are multiple ways to advance your career in renewable energy. Numerous roles are available within the sector, and training for these opportunities is diverse, ranging from formal project management courses to specialized fields such as non-destructive testing (NDT) or engineering. Professionals can also advance through years of hands-on experience, enabling technicians to qualify for higher positions without formal education.


The Importance of Specialized Training

Specialized training is crucial for careers in renewable energy, as projects must meet stringent safety, performance, and environmental standards. Without proper training, technicians may lack the necessary competencies to maintain and repair wind turbines and solar farms effectively.

One of the industry's biggest challenges is the need for more qualified technicians. System One has developed a comprehensive training program based in Houston to tackle this issue. The Renewable Energy Training Center is designed to recruit and provide hands-on technical blade training, ensuring that new technicians are well-equipped to meet industry demands and maintain high-quality standards.



If you're considering a career in the renewable energy sector, why not give it a shot? Reach out to people in the industry, ask all the questions you have, and explore the opportunities available, especially within System One's Career Portal. Deciding to join our wind team could be the start of an exciting and rewarding career, and we would love to help you on this journey. Embrace the chance to be part of a rapidly growing industry and contribute to a sustainable future.

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