Success Story

Scaling New Heights: A Revolutionary Partnership in Blade Manufacturing

Renewable Energy Training Center


A prominent leader in wind-blade manufacturing embarked on a quest for a partner capable of accommodating their ambitious project requirements. They faced challenges meeting the scale of their projects and needed more qualified technical resources. The journey began modestly for blade remediation projects but was destined for remarkable growth.


Ensuring a consistent supply of skilled personnel, System One addressed these pain points by providing rapid team deployment, project management oversight, and full-scale support for blade manufacturing processes. System One also played a considerable role, ensuring field inspection, blade services, and repair. Lastly, our industry-specific integrated services provided the flexibility and ability to scale quickly, meeting every individual project's unique needs.


Their ability to fill primarily project-based roles with an experienced talent pool of over 200 certified wind technicians has been a game changer. The partnership's success is evident in the numbers. System One has executed 100 projects, consistently meeting deadlines and staying within budget. These achievements have not only satisfied immediate project needs, but have also enabled our client to secure larger, more complex blade manufacturing projects. System One's ability to provide skilled personnel, manage large-scale projects efficiently, and adapt rapidly to changing requirements has significantly reduced the burden on our client’s internal resources.

Our client views System One as more than a service provider, but a strategic partner. The relationship, characterized by flexibility, the ability to scale quickly, and profound technical expertise, has been transformative.

Check out more System One success stories here!

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