Industrial Modernization: Repair & Rebuild
A Global Supplier of Logistics Systems

On multiple occasions, System One has provided industrial solutions to Dematic, a global supplier of logistics systems for the factory, warehouse, and distribution center. As a supplier of technology and services to optimize its clients’ supply chains, Dematic is often called upon to assist with mission critical projects that require external resources to meet tight timelines and budgets. System One has emerged as a go-to partner when business results are on the line.
Client Scenario
A 907,000 ft2 retail distribution center based in Iowa needed two large sorters rebuilt – and they needed it done fast. As a large center supporting a regional chain of variety stores across 10 states, it was essential to finish the job on schedule to avoid interfering with production.
Two sorters with a combined length of 600 feet and 40 diverts needed to be modernized to current design standards. The challenge was to tear the equipment apart, repair, and rebuild it, and test the systems – all within a 72 hour facility shutdown period.
System One Solution
Realizing it was going to be a race to beat the clock, Dematic sought the most qualified contractor to ensure no unplanned downtime. They chose System One as their partner for this project. Access to the distribution center was provided at 7am on a Friday, with a hard deadline to be back up and running by 7am on Monday. The project began on schedule and was running smoothly, until an unexpected situation arose.
The facility had elected to reuse existing parts that needed to be cleaned before being reassembled. When the company contracted for the cleaning fell behind, the projected completion date was threatened.
With experienced project leads on site to assess the challenge, System One quickly developed a solution. Our crews jumped in to assist with the cleaning. Forty craftsmen in four crews worked around the clock to ensure the critical schedule would be met. With a “whatever it takes” mentality, System One’s flexibility and deep resources enabled successful completion.
Client Benefits
System One partnered with Dematic to deliver on time, on budget, and with the highest quality and safety measures. Six hundred feet of sorter was taken apart, cleaned, repaired, then rebuilt and fully tested with no unscheduled downtime.
By upgrading the facility to a state-of-the-art product and package sortation system, the client realized numerous benefits:
- Significantly extended system life expectancy
- Created a more ergonomic workplace
- Decreased amperage by 38%
- Dramatically reduced electrical and maintenance costs
Despite significant hurdles, the client resumed operations Monday morning as planned. According to the company’s Project Manager, “When we were choosing a contractor to work with, the size of the project immediately eliminated some of System One’s competition. We’ve worked with System One previously and their experience, as well as their solid project leads, were the driving factors in choosing them. Selecting them gave me a comfort level – and it paid off.”
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