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Work Smarter, Not Harder: Your Game Plan For An Efficient Job Hunt

a young professional woman working in office

Is your job hunt feeling more like an aimless walk? We have a game plan to increase your odds of tracking down and scoring your dream job. As the saying goes, "The odds will always favor a person with a plan."

Our previous post discussed ways to keep your spirits high during the job-hunting process. In this one, we'll delve deeper into actionable tips to make your job search more efficient and productive.

3 Steps To Get The Most Out Of Job Boards

One of the most common mistakes job seekers make is relying solely on passive job searching – browsing job boards every now and then and hoping for a perfect opportunity to pop up. While this method might occasionally yield results, it's not the most effective way to find your dream job.

To get the most out of job boards, follow these steps:

  1. Submit Your Resume Directly: Many job boards allow you to submit your resume directly so employers can browse available candidates at their convenience. Joining this candidate pool could put you first in line for opportunities that haven't been posted publicly yet.

Action Step: Click here to submit your resume on System One's job board. System One partners with large private and public organizations, giving them access to exclusive job opportunities before they hit the job boards.

  1. Set Up Job Alerts: After submitting your resume, set up job alerts so you receive emails when new jobs match your interests. Try including keywords, search queries, and industries that go beyond your current job to remain open to new and exciting paths.

Action Step: Click here to set up custom job alerts.

  1. Don't "Set and Forget": Don't make the mistake of "setting and forgetting" job alerts and waiting for the interview requests to roll in. You might be waiting a long time with this approach! Be more proactive by regularly checking your inbox and candidate portals so you don't miss time-sensitive communications or opportunities. Prompt responses and early applications will show prospective employers you are interested and value their time.

By actively utilizing job boards and closely monitoring for updates, you'll never miss your dream job that might have slipped through the cracks with passive searching.

3 Ways To Balance Your Job Search With Current Employment

Job hunting is a full-time job, and you may be wondering how to balance current work commitments with your search for a new position. Striking this balance can be challenging, but preventing burnout and ensuring a smooth transition is essential. Here's how to make the most of your limited time:

  1. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: Rather than applying to as many jobs as possible, focus on those that genuinely align with your skills, interests, and career goals. Quality applications are more likely to yield results. Indeed data shows that "people with the highest number of applications are 39% less likely to receive a positive response from employers" – all the more reason to prioritize quality over quantity.
  2.  Leverage Your Lunch Break and Commute: Dedicate portions of your lunch break, commute, and other transition periods to job-related activities. Try carving out just 15 minutes a day to rotate between cold outreach, networking calls, updating your resume, or researching potential employers. Like starting a new workout routine, the results won't be immediate, but the cumulative effect will pay off before you know it.
  3. Inquire About Advancement: Some of the best opportunities can be found within your current company if you take the initiative to seek them out. Consider discussing your career goals with your manager and see if there are other opportunities for advancement within your organization or if they have any advice to help you advance your career.

Balancing your current employment and job search is challenging, but with the right approach, it's manageable.

A Recruiter's Role In Getting Past Filtering Systems

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are widely used by employers to filter and manage job applications. These systems automatically scan resumes for specific keywords and qualifications. A recruiter can be an invaluable ally in ensuring your resume has the best chance at passing automatic filters and making it into the hands of a decision-maker.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing an ATS-compliant resume:

  • Format: While there are other ways to structure a resume, the most common format (and best for ATS) is reverse chronological, where your experience is listed from most to least recent.
  • Headers: Use simple, straightforward section headers, such as "Education," "Experience," and "Skills and Qualifications." ATS systems prefer simple, clean formats.
  • Font: Use only one font, such as Arial, Calibri, Georgia, or Times New Roman, at size 10 or 12. Avoid using complex layouts or graphics that may confuse the system. Stick to a standard font and consistent formatting.
  • File type: Always check to see what file types are accepted and/or preferred when submitting your resume, but unless stated otherwise, .pdf or .docx is usually okay.
  • Keyword Optimization: Research the keywords relevant to your desired job and industry. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your resume. A recruiter, with their industry expertise, can help you identify the right keywords.

At System One, our experienced recruiters can increase your chances of passing through ATS filters because we understand what employers are looking for and can help you tailor your resume accordingly. Find more tips from us on ATS compliance here.

Final Thoughts

Job searching can be a challenging and overwhelming process, but it doesn't have to be a never-ending struggle. By implementing these strategies, you can work smarter, not harder, and achieve your career goals with less stress and greater efficiency.

System One is here to support you at every step of your journey, providing access to job boards, personalized job alerts, and expert recruiters who can help you navigate the complex world of job searching.

Follow us on LinkedIn and connect with one of our recruiters today!


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