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What to Do When the Future of the US Job Market Appears Unsteady

The US job market has always been subject to shifts and changes, but recent trends indicate more uncertainty. A New York Fed survey conducted last week reveals that only 88% of those employed in the previous survey in March still had jobs, marking the lowest percentage since this data collection began in 2014. The likelihood of unemployment has also increased to 4.4%, a 0.5% increase. Furthermore, job seekers have become more active, with 28.4% of people searching for a new role within the past four weeks—a rise of 9 percentage points from a year ago. To add to the concern, wage satisfaction has dipped to 56.7%, down 3 points from last year.

In these uncertain times, preparation is more crucial than ever. Even if you are not actively seeking a new role, staying competitive in the job market is important to safeguard your career. Here are some steps you can take to ensure you remain a desirable candidate:

1. Conduct Market Research

Understanding the current demands of your industry is essential. Start by researching available jobs in your field. Pay close attention to the key skills employers seek and ensure that these skills are prominently featured on your LinkedIn profile and resume. If you possess these skills, consider using AI tools to optimize your job descriptions on LinkedIn and your resume to reflect them more effectively. Additionally, update your LinkedIn "About" section and skills list to include these critical keywords, enhancing your visibility to recruiters and potential employers.

If there are trending skills you have yet to acquire, now is the time to invest in continuing education. Online platforms like LinkedIn Learning frequently update courses to align with industry trends. Alternatively, seek mentoring opportunities to learn directly from experienced professionals. Don't overlook the value of connecting with recruiters who can provide insider knowledge on hiring trends and the specific skills hiring managers seek in your field.

2. Expand Your Network

Networking remains one of the most powerful tools in your career arsenal. Cultivate your professional connections both online and in person. Join LinkedIn Groups related to your industry to engage in discussions, share knowledge, and stay informed about the latest developments. Attending industry events, webinars, and conferences can also help you build connections with peers and industry leaders.

Recruiters can be especially valuable in your networking efforts. System One recruiters, for example, have exclusive partnerships with large private and public organizations, giving them unique access to job opportunities that may not be publicly advertised. By connecting with these recruiters, you can gain early access to job openings and better understand what employers are looking for.

3. Stay Adaptable and Proactive

In an uncertain job market, adaptability is key. Be open to exploring new roles or industries that align with your skill set. Stay proactive by regularly updating your resume, LinkedIn profile, and professional portfolio. Actively seek feedback from peers, mentors, or recruiters to continually refine your job search and career development approach.

Remember, even if you are not actively looking for a new job, maintaining a competitive edge is crucial in today's ever-changing job market. By staying informed, expanding your skill set, and leveraging your network, you can confidently navigate uncertainty and secure your workplace.

Stay connected with System One for more insights and guidance on navigating the job market. Our team of expert recruiters is here to support you in your career journey.

Want to speak with a System One recruiter about remaining competitive in this market? Submit your resume to our career portal to be connected with a recruiter in your industry!

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