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Master Your Personal Brand

Personal Brand

Many people overlook the importance of cultivating their personal brands until they're searching for a new job. By then, it often feels rushed, leaving little time to give your personal brand the attention it deserves.

Maintaining your personal brand should be a continuous practice in both your personal and professional life. This approach ensures you have a clear vision of your purpose and goals. Just as you wouldn't embark on a trip without planning your route, working without a well-defined personal brand is similarly unwise.


Start Small: Purpose

Establishing your personal brand can feel overwhelming, but starting small and focusing on what matters most is a crucial first step to make it more manageable. Consider how you want to make a difference. How do your life experiences, educational background, professional credentials, and interests align with that goal? Use these questions to help evaluate your purpose and direction:

  • What personal values drive my actions and decisions?
  • How have challenges or successes in my life influenced my perspective and goals?
  • Are there specific projects or research during my studies that sparked my passion?
  • What accomplishments in my career am I most proud of, and how do they reflect my ability to make a difference?
  • How do I envision making an impact in my community or industry?
  • What steps can I take now to move closer to my goals of making a difference?


Evaluating Your Personal Brand

Defining your purpose and setting clear goals are crucial to assessing your current position. Compare your current position with your aspirations and note where to improve. Once you ask yourself if your social presence and in-person presence embody those goals, seek out individuals who exemplify the personal brand you aim to create. Analyze their strategies and identify the elements that resonate with you. Then, adapt and personalize these elements to reflect your unique identity and values, ensuring your brand remains authentic and distinct.


Living Out Your Personal Brand

After developing your personal brand, it's essential to embody it fully. Be consistent on social media by sharing and creating content that genuinely resonates with you. Authenticity attracts support. Network both in person and on LinkedIn with individuals who share your values and with thought leaders you admire. Remember, only you can represent your personal brand. Make sure you represent yourself well.


Personal Branding is a Journey

As you evolve, so does your personal brand. It's not something you set and forget; it's a continuous effort to represent yourself authentically. While revisiting your "purpose" questions is valuable, consider these questions when reevaluating your personal brand:

  • Have your goals changed, and does your brand reflect these changes?
  • Does your brand still represent your core values and beliefs?
  • Google yourself. Does your online presence reflect your brand accurately?
  • Re-compare: Are there industry leaders whose brands you admire and want to infuse with your unique touch?

Remember to seek feedback from trusted friends and mentors.



Establishing your personal brand not only sets you up for success when you're on the job market, but it also gives you fulfillment in your career and personal life. Be sure to use the resources around you. System One has Job Search Tips and Resources that will help you empower your career and life. Want more content on personal branding? Check out our past Sound Off with System One episode, "Master Your Personal & Professional Brand: Expert Career Tips."

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